Pig Farming in India

Few months back Government of India has announced a scheme aiming at encouraging commercial pig farming by farmers to improve performance of native breed through cross breeding.

The scheme is named as “Pig Development Scheme”.

The scheme has come in to operation with immediate effect with a total out lay of Rs. 73.55 crore for the year 2010–11 and 2011-12. The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DAHDF), Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, is the focal department for operating the scheme.

The sanction and release of subsidy will be managed by NABARD and is subject to availability of funds and adherence of the instructions issued by DAHDF, Govt. of India and NABARD from time to time. Besides administering the scheme, NABARD will also provide refinance support to the eligible financing institutions for the term loan extended under the scheme.

Objectives of the scheme

To encourage commercial pig rearing by farmers/laborers to improve production performance of native breed through cross breeding by using selected animals of high performing breeds and by providing incentives in terms of capital subsidy for ensuring the viability of the pig breeding, rearing & related activities.

This article is part of a series I am writing on pig farming that will provide basic introduction, information about a centrally sponsored scheme “pig development”, operational guidelines of the scheme, sample project cost at a glance, and general tips on pig farming etc.