Here are some details on the study I am doing on the National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB) - Impact Analysis regarding the terms of reference and the approach to the study.
Terms of Reference
- Utilization of funds in conformity with the components sanctioned and deviation, if any
- Physical verification of the infrastructure created
- Evaluation of LN2 transport and distribution system strengthened
- Benefits accrued through institutional restructuring, i.e., creation of SIA for production and supply of inputs
- Evaluation of performance of AI workers (Govt., Co-operative, Private and NGO), viability and cost effectiveness of private AI workers
- Possible integration of the project with schemes for rural development (SGSY) / RKVY / Bilateral / Multilateral projects for financial / technical inputs. Actual contribution in physical and financial terms
- Role of project in generation of employment (direct and indirect) and actually attained
- Legislative backup required for certification of semen station / semen / embryos / bull mother farms and private AI workers
- Existing procedure for testing bulls and bull mothers against various sexually transmitted diseases and periodicity
- Existing procedure for treating the repeat breeders
- Perception of beneficiaries in terms of their requirements from the project
- Feed and fodder situation, quality of fodders and its effects on reproductive status of animals in the state
Approach to the Study
- Base year – 2005-06 (End of phase I)
- Study Period – 2006-07 to 2009-10
- Interaction with CEO and other officials of various units and stakeholders.
- Visit and study of existing and new units established, in terms of physical and financial program sanctioned/ implemented, adequacy of existing facilities, cost effectiveness, new investments required and their justification.
- AI centers – Performance of the Agency wise (Co-operative, Govt, private and NGO) AI centers and NS centers – 5 centers from each agency
- To study the perception of beneficiaries at least 2/3 beneficiaries from each sample AI/NS centers.
- Present breeding policy for cattle and bull production program of the State Govt. along with facilities created and targets to be studied.
- Possibility of integration of this project with other multilateral / bilateral / centrally sponsored schemes.
- Other aspects required for preparing the Study report – Discussions with the officials of SIA / DAH / Federations / NGOs, etc.