Evaluation Study of the Livestock Health and Disease Control (LH&DC) Schemes and Central Sector Schemes of DAHD, GOI, New Delhi
- Assistance to States for Control of Animal Diseases (ASCAD)
- Establishment and Strengthening of Veterinary Hospitals/Dispensaries.
of Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Objectives of Study
- Examine and comment the extent to which the objectives of the scheme have been met during its implementation tenure of the XI Plan Period.
- Assess and Comment on the performance of the scheme in terms of its physical and financial achievements.
- Assess and comment on the impact of the scheme on its target groups by improving the health indicators such as reduced mortality rate, reduced morbidity, reduced occurrence of diseases, improved delivery of services, etc.
- Review and assess the efficacy of the delivery mechanism in terms information dissemination, service delivery mechanism.
- Evaluate the extent of strengthening/ creation of infrastructure created under the scheme.
- To critically evaluate the implementation of various components of the scheme as per the objectives of the scheme.
- Identify the measures for making the scheme more broad based and to assess eligibility criteria for various institutions for assistance under the scheme.
- Identify the operational issues and concerns across all levels of implementation of the respective schemes.
- Identify any other constraints and to draw action points for future improvement of the scheme.
- Farmers Opinion/ Views about the scheme & its implementation.