Livestock Terminology

Livestock Terminology

  • Barrow - a male hog castrated before it reaches sexual maturity
  • Boar - an adult uncastrated male pig
  • Bovine - the scientific name for cattle
  • Broilers - chickens that are six to 13 weeks of age
  • Bull - a sexually mature male (un-castrated) bovine  
  • Bullock – an adult castrated male of cow 
  • Buck -  an adult, male rabbit or goat
  • Bunny – immature young rabbit
  • Calf - a sexually immature young bovine
  • Calving – a process of giving birth in bovine
  • Cavy - a particular breed of guinea pig
  • Cow - a mature female bovine
  • Doe - an adult, female rabbit or goat
  • Ewe - a mature female sheep  
  • Farrowing –a  process of giving birth in pigs
  • Foaling – a process of giving birth in equines
  • Gilt - a young female pig, An immature femal
  • Heifer - a female bovine less than three years of age which has not borne a calf
  • Hen - an adult female chicken or turkey
  • Hog - a mature swine (usually weighing more than 120 pounds)
  • Kid - a young goat
  • Kidding – a process of giving birth in goat
  • Kindling – a process of giving birth in rabbit
  • Lactation – milk yielding period
  • Lamb - a sheep less than one year in age
  • Lambing – a process of giving birth in sheep
  • Laying – a process of giving egg in poultry
  • Livestock - domestic farm animals kept for productive purposes (meat, milk, work, wool)
  • Market animal - livestock bred and produced for food consumption
  • Pig - a young swine (usually weighing less than 120 lbs.)
  • Polled - a naturally hornless animal 
  • Ratite - a species of bird consisting of rheas, ostriches and emus
  • Rooster - an adult male chicken
  • Ram/Buck- An uncastrated male sheep
  • Sow - a mature female swine that has had a litter or has reached an advanced stage of pregnancy.
  • Steer - a castrated male (within the first 6 months after birth) bovine
  • Stag- cattle or swine castrated after reaching sexual maturity
  • Swine - the scientific name for pigs and hog
  • Vealer- a milk-fed calf (cattle) less than 3 months old.
  • Wether - a castrated shortly after birth male sheep or goat