Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS)

By: GOI, MOA, DAHD. New Delhi.

F.No.1-1/2009-DP dated 11th. April, 2016 
Budget provision Rs. 140.00 crores for the Year 2016-17
Through: NABARD

Govt. of India has announced continuation of a scheme named as “Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme” (DEDS). The scheme has come in to operation with effect from 1 September 2010.

The planning commission GOI has approved the continuation of DEDS with an outlay of Rs.1400.00 crores during, 12th. Five Year plan.

Budget provision for the scheme during the year 2016-17 is Rs.140.00 crores (Rs.110.00 crores for Gen. Comp., Rs.17.00 crores for SC comp. & Rs.13.00 crores for NER plan) has been approved as per letter No.1-1/2009-DP, GOI, MOA, DAHD, New Delhi dated 11th. April, 2016.

The department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DAHD&F), Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, is the focal department for operating the scheme.

The sanction & release of subsidy will be managed by NABARD & is subject to availability of funds & adherence of the instructions issued by DAHD&F, GoI and NABARD from time to time.

Note: The components & Indicative Unit/Project cost that can be financed and pattern of assistance will be same as per last year 2015-16.

For detail guidelines pl. log on: http://www.dahd.nic.in,   www.nabard.org