Quail farming: Obtain bank loan to start a quail farm

To obtain bank loan to start a Japanese quail farm, you - the entrepreneur - should apply in prescribed format to the nearest branch of a commercial, cooperative or regional rural banks (RRBs) in your area.

- You will have to prepare a detailed project report (DPR) and submit it to the bank. The technical officer or the manager of the bank can help or give guidance to you in preparing the project report. Further assistance can be obtained from the technical experts and consultants to prepare the project report.

- The project report should include information on available facilities/infrastructure such as land, water, fencing, electricity, storage and transport, marketing aspects, expertise of the entrepreneurs, and the type of assistance available from the state government and the local corporations/NGOs.

- Your project report should explicitly and clearly mention the purpose for which you need financial aid. Banks provide financial assistance for the following purposes :
  • For construction of brooder/grower and layer sheds, feed store, quarters etc.
  • For purchase of poultry equipment such as feeders, waterers, brooders etc.
  • For creating infrastructure items for supply of electricity, feed, water etc.
  • For purchase of hatchable eggs and one day old chicks.
  • For purchase of plant & machinery like incubator, setter, feed mill & generator set etc.
  • For meeting working capital requirement in respect of manpower,feed, and veterinary aid etc. for the first 5 to 6 weeks (i.e., till the stage of income generation).
- If land is purchased for establishing the quail farm, the land cost can be treated as party's margin up to a maximum of 10% of the total cost of the project.

Your bank can avail refinancing from NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) for your project. NABARD is an apex rural development institution in India for all matters related to the policy, planning and operations for credit flow towards promotion and development of agriculture. It also provides refinancing to the lending institutions to promote rural and agricultural development.


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