Quail farming: Requirements of a bankable project

A detailed project report (DPR) has to be submitted to the bank to apply for a loan. The bank then evaluates the report and assesses it for technical feasibility and economic viability.

Technical feasibility

  • Suitability of the site location
  • Suitability of the local climate
  • Availability of basic infrastructure and facilities, such as, water, electricity, transport, storage, labor/manpower etc.
  • Availability of potable water
  • Availability of veterinary aid and medicines/ vitamins, minerals etc.
  • Experience and/or training details of the beneficiary (number of birds maintained, number of years of experience/ training if any etc.) in quail farming. The beneficiaries may be individuals, partnership firms, companies, Coops., Corporate bodies, groups etc. In case of no experience in poultry/quail farming, explanation as to how the unit will be managed may be furnished.
  • Sources for procuring feed
  • Arrangements for feed testing for microbial agents or toxins at periodic intervals
  • Layout/site plan/designs of civil work for fencing, gate, internal roads etc. prepared by an authorized/registered civil engineer
  • Flock schedule and housing system
  • Sources for equipments like brooders, waterers and feeders etc.
  • Demand and supply position along with places for marketing of broiler quail/meat/eggs

Economic viability

  • Detail cost estimate for site development prepared by an authorized/registered civil engineer
  • Quotations of plant, machinery and equipments from authorized dealers
  • Amount of loan required and repayment schedule
  • Expenditure estimate for quail chicks/eggs, feed, manpower etc.
  • Income estimates from sale of meat etc.
  • Cash-flow analysis

Other requirements of DPR

  • Wherever applicable permissions/license/NOC from government and various agencies like State Pollution Control Board, Municipal Corporation/Gram Panchayat, State Electricity Board


  1. Wow.. Nice blog. Thanks for sharing useful Information. Many people are making money all over the world by raising quail birds and selling the meat and eggs. If you want quail farming equipmentscontact Alpha Farming Equipments. Thank You...

  2. Thanks for sharing very useful information. We are the most trusted quail farming equipment Manufacturers Company in Hyderabad, India. We offer a complete range of top-quality poultry equipment and accessories at reasonable rates. for details, call us +91 9505721219.
