Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme – Dairy Farming in India

Recently, Government of India announced a scheme aiming at promoting entrepreneurial qualities which has been named as “Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme” (DEDS). The scheme has come in to operation with effect from 1 September 2010. Budget provision for the scheme during 2010–11 is Rs.32.40 Crore. The department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DAHDF), Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, is the focal department for operating the scheme. The sanction and release of subsidy will be managed by NABARD and is subject to availability of funds and adherence of the instructions issued by DAHDF, Government of India and NABARD from time to time.


Objectives of the scheme

  • To promote setting up of modern dairy farms for production of clean milk
  • To encourage heifer calf rearing thereby conserve good breeding stock
  • To bring structural changes in the unorganized sector so that initial processing of milk can be taken up at the village level itself.
  • To bring about up gradation of quality and traditional technology to handle milk on a commercial scale
  • To generate self employment and provide infrastructure mainly for unorganized sector.

This article is part of a series I am writing on Dairy farming that will provide basic introduction, information about a centrally sponsored scheme (DEDS), operational guidelines of the scheme, sample project cost at a glance, and general tips on dairy farming etc.

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